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Meet the Band

Meet The Spirit of Rush, the ultimate tribute band for fans of Rush. Formed by three highly talented and passionate musicians, Owen on the bass, Tim on the electric guitar and synths and Tufty on the drums, this expert trio aims to make each performance an unforgettable experience.



Bass Guitar, Keys/Synths & Lead Vocals

Portraying: Geddy Lee
Favourite Rush track:

It was so long ago whilst lying on the living room floor in the family home watching the television as a child that I came upon a show. It was this young man by the name of Steve Marriott that sparked a kind of obsession that is still with me today I suppose. I can tell you that my thoughts were, that’s what I wanted to do. This emotion is still with me today and I suspect it will never leave. My first bass guitar was a Futurama bass guitar and it was an excellent start for me whilst cutting my teeth in the social clubs in the early days. Then the P bass John Diggins natural with brass scratch plate with all of the passive Growl that came with it. But then with the time I had, I was heavily influenced by some great bands the likes of which were Deep Purple, Yes, Chic Korea, Stanley Clarke Band, Weather Report, just to name a few only to find that my taste varied in all sorts of directions I was embracing music from all walks in the journey. Then came along Caress of Steel it got me curious “What was this?” and I just could not stop playing it. And this was the beginning of the Rush affair, I must admit if it had not been for that album I suppose it would have passed me by. I have played with various bands over the last few years and also have had the privilege playing of with some great artists of which I’m very grateful. Those were also different genres, different times, and still I consider myself on a learning curve. That is very important to me, the fact that I am STILL learning, even today gives me the buzz required for me to continue.



Guitar, Keys/Synths & Vocals

Portraying: Alex Lifeson
Favourite Rush track:

I’ve been playing guitar for about a thousand years and you’d think I’d be able to play by now. I was blown first away by the sound of the first E chord in 20th century boy by T rex what a sound! After that it was learning bits at school , and from friends, trying to learn chords on an old acoustic guitar and not knowing what I was doing for about 3 years before gettng the idea of stringing chords together. You must remember there was no Youtube back then all you had was a record deck or cassette player and you had to keep replaying the same 10 seconds of a solo to learn that bit. I got my first electric guitar from Kays catalogue in about 1976. I learnt the whole of the Thin lizzy’s dual guitar music catalogue and that along with many other songs helped learn to play.



Drum Kit

Portraying: Neil Peart
Favourite Rush track:

Drumming started for me at about the age of 12. My father was a pianist who gigged everywhere in a band or solo. He gave me some drumsticks from the drummer in his band. I smashed the hell out of the arms on my parents’ sofa so they decided to buy me my first drum kit which was a premier. I had drum lessons and was heavily influenced by the legendary Buddy Rich. I played in jazz bands and had the privilege to play in a 16-piece orchestra which was a fantastic achievement for myself. I soon realised that rock music was where I really wanted to be, listening to Black Sabbath, Led Zep etc but as soon as I heard the professor, I became hooked on Rush. I played in a tribute to Rush called YYZ for many years playing up and down the country and Europe. I joined a band called 51 stone with Owen and Tim and realised how great these musicians really are who also loved Rush. We have decided to play homage to the music of Rush. We know we do not look like them but we pride ourselves in getting the music as close as possible.

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